Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today Is The Most Unlucky Day....

At first her mum allow her to stay back
At the 1st moment she sms say that she gt stay back...
I was very hapi....
She told me that her mum say "dun let me catch u!!"
Then she told me that she cant stay back...
So I become sad, angry and "pek chek"
So I called her and scold her
That what she cant do pls dont promise...
I know she doesn't mean to break her promise...
So I feel guilty and sry...
Dear, if u gt see...I wanna tell u sry ya...
At 1pm, she told me that she gt stay back..
But dint come to my grandma's house
Then I say I go to school to meet her ...
She say OK!!
But I was waiting the stupid tortoise bus ar...
So late only arrive....
At the end, when I arrive at school....
Her mum come...
I just take for her the pendrive...
Thats all...
The most UNLUCKY DAY !!

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